Prison Demographics

It's probably well known that minorities make up a large portion of the US prison population. But did you know?

Men are more than 9 TIMES more likely to go be incarcerated than women?
1.1% of women will serve time in prison in their lifetime vs. 9% of men.

A black male being born has a 28.5% chance (basically better than 1 in 4) of being incarcerated.

Source: Bureau of Statistics Lifetime Liklihood of Going to State or Federal Prison

Male 9.0%
Female 1.1

Race/Hispanic origin
White* 2.5%
Male 4.4
Female .5

Black* 16.2%
Male 28.5
Female 3.6

Hispanic 9.4%
Male 16.0
Female 1.5

*Excludes Persons of Hispanic Origin

Note: These are not meant to demonstrate people as "prison bound," but rather to show what the inherent inequities that still exist in our country.

Peanut Allergies

People in the US and China both eat about 8 Lbs. of peanuts per year. However, in North American, and particularly in the United States, peanut allergies are so frequent, and so deadly, that many schools have banned peanuts to be in them altogether. Conversely, in China, India, and other Asian countries, Peanut Allergies are almost completely unheard of.